Friday, October 21, 2011

The last picture show

Charlie Soap consults with Curly who is a master palm reader when he isn't operating a backhoe.

Cindy Soap (digging) Kimberly Guerrero ( ?-ing), Teresa Leech & Theresa Morris and other lovable extras - looking on

Eric -  Medic & master iphone texter

Curly riding high in the saddle thanks to lil' Jillian Donaldson (wardrobe) 
John takes direction from Tim Kelly- then spills coffee on his white suit...twice

Charlie - 1 shows Charlie - 2 his photos.

Kenny Linville and Curly

Wilma and You know who.

Bruce - "Almighty!" Resnik - Script supervisor. 

Perry Pickert - Co-Producer/ friend.

Tyler Mann, Cat herder - On top of his game -  

Ashley Caywood - Set costumer

Tawanny Reevis and Jamie Loy - Enjoying the day together.

Tawanny Reevis, Jamie Loy, Mo Brings Plenty, Ronald Elk and Lenny Linville

Sleeping beauties - JJ Poff & Shelly Price

Sara Ann Brings Plenty hoisting a cold refreshing Bubba!

Mo wakes Ronald 1

Mo wakes Ronald  2

Mo wakes Ronald  3

Mo wakes Ronald  4  = LOL!

Curly style is rubbing off on Ms. Makeup - JJ Poff

 Dan Monahan - Mr Sound

Kristina - Seer extraordinaire!

Yes, that IS what it says!

Kristina Kiehl, Charlie Soap and Claudette Silver - The Unholy Trinity

                                                                            Curly, Tanner & Johnson

Ning Li and  Radium Cheung - Dynamic duo of camera and joke land.

Dig that lens!

Setting up a stunt and last scene of my career.

Ready, set - ACTION!

Job - well done! Movie career - over (for now)

Uber Zach!

Curly - removed .. Thanks Shelly!

Mo, Jenny, Joyce and Jef

Mo - good times on the set!

Goof ball deluxe!

Last stop before the men's room in Tulsa..

Men's Room in Tulsa..  

Yep.. That's the place.

Holy Moly.. And the check really WAS in the mail! 


  1. I have a feeling this wasn't the last day in your film career! hahahaha!


  2. A great pleasure working with you, Ben. We hope to do it again soon. Until then, always keep your backhoe on level ground.
    CW4W Sound Team,
    Dan, Tim and Caleb
